With All the Trimmings

As many readers already know, we’ve been working really hard to eliminate the color brown from every room of the house. Not the color-of-our-new-floors brown, but dark, outdated-looking, dark brown, stained wood. We started right away with the yucky brown cabinets in our kitchen.DIY kitchen renovation, painting kitchen cabinetsThen we moved onto the trim throughout the kitchen and the weird ceiling tiles with the brown lines running through them in the living room, office and bedroom. Painting ceiling tilesLast but not least; the dining room and hallway. Oh the dining room and hallway. So brown, so ugly, so dark and limiting. Such a simple painting project and a small adjustment has made a HUGE difference.Painting window trim

I knew I hated the brown trim, but I had no idea just how much better the dining room and hallway would look with the all-white trim, doors and ceiling. Look how much brighter the whole space looks, especially in these shots of the hallway leading to the bedroom door! DIY home remodeling, painting trimI find myself looking past the trim now and actually seeing each room. The dark brown trim really drew your eyes in and sort of stopped you from seeing what was ahead.Home remodeling, painting trimHome remodeling, painting trimSee what I mean? What a relief! We couldn’t be happier with this makeover and it was all in less than half a day’s work.