This and That

Long time no post! Summer has been dragging us in many different directions; it’s wedding season, time to hit the beach and just so hectic in general. We can’t slow down! However, we have a few mini projects on the horizon around the house..

We have this delightful little corner at the end of our kitchen cabinets, right before the entryway to the house and around the bend is the hallway. The previous owner had a huge fish tank that fit perfectly in this space. Nothing against fish, but I was looking for a much better use of this little space!

I just have a quick after photo, but check out what we’ve done here:

DIY and home improvement style

  1. This shelf holds a bit of history for us (and some knickknacks of course). It was an ugly brown shelf once – in our old house – when our mantra was “down with brown”. We painted it white and then brought it with us to the new place.
  2. The stool was a quick Target purchase. We’re using it as a spot to place our bags, but it could easily double as a seat when entertaining several guests.
  3. The basket also came from Target (love that place)! You can never have too much storage, especially stylish storage!

I think all that’s missing from this little corner now is a few hooks. I could see a few specialty hooks right below the shelf. Even if they go unused, they would at least be artsy and fun to look at. We’ll see what we can find!

We also have a bit of a bedroom re-style going on. Here’s a snap of our old bedroom setup/style for reference:

Our remodeled bedroom

We know we want to re-do our “headboards” (not pictured above, but they are currently just plain black), get some new curtains and a new duvet + pillow cases. We started with the easy part – the new bedding. We loved our old bedding, but it just doesn’t go quite right with our beloved Wavescrest. So, we opted for a lighter-hued subtle print from West Elm:

West Elm BeddingMy thought process here is to keep everything light and airy. My plan for the curtains is similar and my idea for re-doing the headboards is to switch out the black that went with the old style, to something big, bright, bold and floral. I want to keep the patterns and colors within the bedding and curtains subtle so I can really play with the headboards, but I don’t want to go all drab either. We’ve been impulse buying tons of curtains, trying them out and returning them. I have a few on the way – hopefully one will be a winner!

Check back for my next post to see what we ended up with for our bedroom curtains!

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