A Clean Roof is a Happy Roof

As you know we’ve had some issues with roof cleanliness. We’ve tried a bunch of DIY solutions and none of them worked. We saw a commercial and tried “Spray and Forget” with no luck. We also tried scrubbing with oxygen bleach (aka OxiClean) and the algae stains never went away.
Roof Stains - Algae
I’ve been up on the roof enough as of late and now with the days getting shorter, I was running out of chances to get up there. Last week we finally caved and had a professional come out. Despite the cold weather, the roof shampoo cleaned the roof with no issue.
Roof Shampoo Clean Roof Shampoo After
We love to DIY, but unfortunately, this was one job we couldn’t do ourselves. Stay tuned for some more interesting projects coming up as we return to our first love, paint.
Roof Shampoo Before After

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