Carpets: Neither Car nor Pets

We can both confirm, there’s nothing more satisfying than knocking down a wall, or breaking up an old piece of wood, or ripping up some old carpet. We don’t regularly do all of those things, but I did spend a day ripping up the carpet in our upstairs bedrooms. Oh, and I also ripped it off of all of our stairs. And I didn’t even fall on a nail or step on a single staple! Pretty impressive, I’d say.

I used a Kobalt 28-piece multi blade utility knife to cut and remove the bulk of the carpet. The straight blade was good for the big pieces and the blade with the hook was good for the stapled in bits on the stairs.

Kobalt Utility Knife SetThe carpets weren’t in terrible shape when we moved in, but the previous owners had pets and we were worried about what might be hiding underneath. Luckily after they were all up, the floor underneath was in good shape and relatively stain free. We didn’t have the same good fortune that we did last time I ripped up carpet, but a clean sub floor is fine with me.

Ripping up carpets

Check out some before and after shots of the freshly carpeted upstairs and our freshly painted stairwell and landing (and ceiling). That’s Hotel St Francis Clay Angel, the same color we used in our living room.

Stairs New Carpet Before After

Upstairs Before No Carpet Upstairs New CarpetRipped up CarpetNew Carpet on Stairs


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